A personal exploration for clear vision.
This is an ongoing project to examine the incredible ways in which the human body can heal.
In 2010 Megan nearly lost the vision in their right eye due to a corneal ulcer. Over time it slowly healed and they were able to regain strength and clarity. At a certain point the eye stopped healing because it no longer needed to strive for precision. Megan's sense of depth perception had been restored and their left eye had become dominant. There was no longer a need for the right eye to work so hard to support reasonable vision.
However, Megan wondered if taking away the dependence of the left eye, would the right eye then be forced to work harder to heal and find clarity?
This project is an examination of that process, both on land and at sea.
Although no medical conclusion is made in these videos, Megan's right eye was able to find more clarity and strength after only a few hours.
Megan continues to explore these ideas and test the limits of human resilience.